
Influenza (commonly known as the flu) is a viral infection that affects the nose, 喉咙,有时是肺. 而不同于普通的感冒, 表现出类似的症状, 比如喉咙痛, 流鼻涕, 头疼, 咳嗽和疲劳. However, it can quickly reveal more severe effects, such as a fever, weakness and vomiting. Healthy individuals can usually recover from the flu without lasting issues, but 高危个体 may experience lasting complications and even death as a result of infection. Combined with the presence of COVID-19 and the fact that both viruses are easily spread, it is vital that everyone does their part to avoid contracting the flu.

College students are especially susceptible to contracting flu viruses due to close proximity to one another in residential units and classrooms. We encourage you to be your own health care advocate and to stay updated on 当前的信息 from the 中心 for Disease Control and Prevention.

Student getting a checkup at the health center



已知的预防方法 为了避免流感. However, the most reliable way to prevent the flu is to 打流感疫苗.

Ashland University offers flu vaccines to students, faculty and staff. Vaccines are free of charge, while supplies last. Greater numbers of vaccinated individuals lead to a smaller rate of infection and help prevent flu outbreaks on campus.

Students in the health center waiting room

Please contact the 学生健康中心 for more information. 


If you believe you have contracted the flu, do the following to ensure a quick recovery:

  • 呆在家里,保持距离.
    流感很容易传播. If you are exhibiting flu-like symptoms, please return 首页 as soon as you are able. If you live with 高危个体, consider self-isolating in your room as well.
    Even at 首页, it’s important to keep your distance from others. Stay at least six feet away from others and stay out of classes, 工作, social events and public areas (including campus facilities, such as the student dining center and recreation center). If you do need to go out in public, wear a face mask. Once you’ve been free of a fever (at a temperature of 100° F or less without the use of fever-reducing medicine) for at least 24 hours, 你可能正在康复的路上. A cough might linger but is not considered reason enough to stay 首页 or self-isolate.
  • 充分休息.
    你很可能会感到筋疲力尽. 放轻松. Avoid intense physical activity and unnecessary strain. 待在床上,能睡的时候再睡. Your body will heal more quickly if it has the strength to do so.
  • 保持水分.
    The flu can cause a fever, vomiting and diarrhea, all of which can dehydrate you. Drink plenty of clear fluids—you’ll mostly need water, 但汤, sports drinks and electrolyte beverages can help as well. 如果你感到恶心, take small sips every 20 minutes or so rather than drinking large amounts of liquid all at once.
  • 咳嗽和打喷嚏时捂住嘴.
    如果你感到咳嗽或打喷嚏, cover it with a tissue (your elbow or shoulder will 工作 in a pinch). Don’t use your hands—you’ll spread the infection more easily. Dispose of your tissue(s) and wash your hands immediately afterward.
  • 经常洗手.
    为了避免流感的传播, 用温水洗手, soapy water or an alcohol-based hand rub before and after touching doorknobs, 键盘, 厨房用具和其他常用物品.
  • 根据需要治疗症状.
    • Tylenol (acetaminophen) for aches and pains.
    • Do not use Excedrin (aspirin) to treat flu-like symptoms in children or teenagers, as this may cause 雷氏症候群.
    • DayQuil/NyQuil (antihistamines) for a 流鼻涕 and itchy eyes.
    • Throat lozenges and cough drops for coughing and a sore throat.
    • 鼻塞的减充血剂.
    Treatment with antiviral medications is recommended only for 高危个体. Antibiotics are not effective as the flu is caused by a virus, not bacteria.
  • Remember that there are others who can help.
    Everyone gets the flu at some point, so it’s important to take care of one another when it happens. Ask a friend or family member to deliver drinks, food and medicine as needed. Later on, if they end up getting sick, make sure that you do the same for them.
    Ashland University is ready and able to support you as well. If you are on a university meal plan, contact 餐饮服务 请拨打419-289-5762索取病餐盘. Email your professors and other faculty to inform them of your absence and to prepare for any class工作 or assignments you might miss. Ashland University faculty have been encouraged to be flexible with attendance policies and to 工作 with you to ensure that you can complete all requirements for missed classes, 即使你生病了.
  • If symptoms worsen, contact a health provider.
    Get immediate medical care if you experience:
    • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
    • Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen.
    • 神志不清或突然头晕.
    • 严重或持续呕吐.
    • Standard, flu-like symptoms that improve but return with a worsened cough or fever.

    Additional resources and health care providers are available on our 资源页面. Faculty and staff are encouraged to contact their personal health care provider.

Students can contact the 学生健康中心 for more information, treatment options and support.